2025/01/17 - Creative Arts (Arts/Music) - Jan 17

Friday Jan 17th PD Day camp @ 184 Horton St. East London

Ages 6-9

Campers will explore, create, learn and experiment through art and music. Children are guided by their imagination as they work with different mediums to create their "own masterpieces". Other activities include swimming, gym time and general club programming.

Regular hours 8 - 5
Extended -early 7:30 - 8 am ; late 5 - 5:30 extra $5 per service

To register, your child will need either a BGC Child Visitor Membership (which is free) and they attend as a guest or a BGC Child Member Membership (the cost is geared to the combined household income) and they attend as a member paying a discount on the program. Either membership is good for a year.

Below are the links.
BGC Child Visitor Membership

BGC Child Member Membership

*if your child has special needs and requires extra support, or has an EA (Educational Assistant) during the school year, Please DO NOT Register, please send inquiries to - inclusion@bgclondon.ca

IMPORTANT NOTE: Withholding any important information regarding your child's needs that affect their participation will result in withdrawal from camp.

*If you have subsidy through the City of London, Middlesex County or Ontario Works - Please DO NOT register for camp - first get approval from your caseworker, register your child for the Holiday Camp Deposit membership, then send an email to lneufeglise@bgclondon.ca and Lorrie will register your child on the backend.


Pizza Lunch and Snacks are provided.

If you are cancelling your camp registration, you must provide in writing a notice of cancellation at least two (2) weeks before the camp week starts to receive a refund, minus a $25.00 administration fee per cancellation. -An e-mail notification sent to Lneufeglise@bgclondon.ca will be sufficient.

Any changes to a registration are subjected to a $25 administration fee/child.
Refunds may take 2-3 weeks to process.

You will be able to see the schedule online one week prior to camp:

Program Type Camp
Program Subcategory BGCL PD Day Camps
Program Code 2025/01/17
Online Registration Yes
Enrollment Begin Date 9/26/2024
Enrollment End Date 1/17/2025 7:30 AM
Instructor(s) -
Gender Any Gender
Enrollment Minimum -
Maximum 21
Grade Minimum
Age Minimum 6 years Enforced - As of date 1/17/2025
Maximum 9 years Enforced - As of date 1/17/2025
Visitor fee for PD camp
Residency Restriction -None-
Membership Restrictions BGC Child - Visitor*
BGC Youth - Visitor*
Amount $60.00
Member fee for PD camp
Residency Restriction -None-
Membership Restrictions BGC Child - Member*
BGC Youth - Member*
Amount $55.00
Early Drop Off
Residency Restriction -None-
Amount $5.00
Early Drop Off & Late Pick Up
Residency Restriction -None-
Amount $10.00
Late Pick Up
Residency Restriction -None-
Amount $5.00
Friday - 01/17/2025
Start Time 8:00 AM
End Time 5:00 PM
Location Craft Room