Using RecDesk for the First Time  


Create a Parent/Family Profile by clicking on the link below.
**Be sure to do this for ALL FAMILY MEMBERS registering for or paying for (parents/guardians) programs.  New family members can be added by going to your profile page and clicking Add Household Member.
STEP #2 


 A membership is needed before you can register for programs. All memberships are good for one year at the time of registration.

To register for a membership, click on the link below. 

**Please read the description of the memberships to make sure you register for the one you want.
Register the participant/Save/Go to Checkout/Accept Waiver/Complete Forms/Click the blue "I have Completed All Forms"

The final screen is your checkout cart.  You must pay by Visa, Mastercard or a Debit/Credit card.

If you are successful you will receive an email thanking you for registering. 



Find the program you would like using the link below. 


 Register the participant/Save/Go to Checkout/Accept Waiver/Complete Forms/Click the blue "I have Completed All Forms"

The final screen is your checkout cart.  You must pay by Visa, Mastercard or a Debit/Credit card.

If you are successful you will receive an email thanking you for registering.